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What We Believe

We simply believe in being the hands and feet of Jesus in this world until that great day that we stand face to face with our Savior Jesus. Therefore, we will not be limited to or subject to a particular set of beliefs. In all respect, we are not Calvinist, Wesleyans, nor are we Lutherans. We are CHRISTians, and no denominational name can limit or define who we are (1 Cor.13:12). 


According to the Apostle Paul we only KNOW in part. We at F.R.C. are not arrogant enough to believe that we are the only church that has exhaustive and total interpretation of scriptures or divine truth. Every church has the ability and freedom to define their beliefs according to their interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. However, we want to be as humbly honest as possible.


We believe the Bible to be the Word of God spoken and recorded through man with the purpose of reconciling, redeeming, and restoring man.  We also believe Jesus to be the totality and inspiration of His word(s). All scripture reveals Jesus; the heart of the Father. (John 1:1-12, 2 Tim.3:16)


We believe in One All powerful God that exists in three equal persons: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit the helper. (I John 5:6-8)


We believe that all people are born into this world with a fallen sinful nature, however all men have the awesome privilege of being forgiven of ALL sins and to be reborn with a new nature. This occurs only by receiving the grace provided by Our Lord Jesus Christ through His life, death, and resurrection. (Gen 3:1-12)



We believe in both a water baptism and a Holy Spirit baptism.


The water baptism is an outward symbol of an inner heart change. The water baptism does not secure salvation (Luke 23:43) but instead is a public demonstration and celebration of repentance for the believer.   


Holy Spirit Baptism is the believer yielding the mind, heart, and soul fully over to Christ’s Spirit which is often evidenced by the “speaking of other tongues” and living a spirit led life of power. This baptism is available to all followers of Jesus Christ! (Acts 2:38-39)

We believe in, and expect to experience every gift given by the Father, through the Son, made manifest by the Holy Spirit.  Of course, these include the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit given to edify His church. These gifts are all gifts according to His Grace.  (Ephesians 1:3, James 1:17)

Yes, We believe that Jesus Christ is returning for His Church (soon); first the dead will rise to meet Him in the air and then the living.  Then, together we will reign with Christ forever!  (1 Thess. 4: 16-17)

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